
Webmaster pages

This page contains information on copyright, recommended books,links to clip art libraries, HTML guides, tutorials and web tools [Image of a surfer]

About Copyrights

Most NON-Public Domain images ARE protected byone or more copyrights held by the original Artist, Cartoonist or Owner of that image(s). Copyright information should be contained in a README file(s) or other documentation associated with file(s). Generally speaking, most license agreements read that you can USE BUT NOT SELL a particular image or set of images. When obtaining digital art work from ANY source, be sure to read (and comply) with the particular copyright information or other USAGE information/restrictions pertaining to that image(s). 

For a more detailed look at the Copyright Issue, visit: 


Web Design in a Nutshell

Web Design in a Nutshell contains the nitty-gritty on everything you need to know to design Web pages. It's the good stuff, without the fluff, written and organized so that answers can be found quickly.

This book provides quick access to the wide range of front-end technologies and techniques from which Web designers and authors must draw.
It is an excellent reference for HTML tags (including tables, frames, and Cascading Style Sheets) with special attention given to browser support and platform idiosyncrasies.
The HTML section is more than a reference work, though. It details strange behavior in tables, for instance, and gives ideas and workarounds for using tables and frames on your site. Web Design in a Nutshell also covers multimedia and interactivity, audio and video, and emerging technologies like Dynamic HTML, XML, embedded fonts, and internationalization.

The book includes: Discussions of the Web environment, monitors, and browsers A complete reference to HTML and Server Side Includes, including browser support for every tag and attribute Chapters on creating GIF, JPEG and PNG graphics, including designing with the Web Palette Information on multimedia and interactivity, including audio, video, Flash, Shockwave, and JavaScript Detailed tutorial and reference on Cascading Style Sheets, including an appendix of browser compatibility information Appendices detailing HTML tags,attributes, deprecated tags, proprietary tags, and CSS compatibility

Ria: This book is a very good reference guide. It is very comprehensive. I use it all the time.
Don't confuse this with Webmaster in a Nutshell which is much more technical. It covers the server side, rather than page design.

JavaScript book Javascript for the World Wide Web (Visual Quickstart Guide)

For those who are familiar with HTML and are ready to progress to JavaScript, this book offers a step-by-step approach.

HTML tutorials and reference guides:

Links to clip art sites:

Web Tools and useful information: